Sunflower Wreath

Hey Everyone! Today I’m going to show you how to make a simple sunflower wreath.

For this wreath you will need:

  • 1 – 18″ Grapevine wreath
  • 3 large sunflowers ( I bought 3 sunflower steams)
  • 2 small sunflowers ( I pulled these of a sunflower bush I had )
  • Fall leaves
  • 2 Fall steams ( I got two different kinds)
  • Hot glue gun and glue sticks
  • Wire cutters

When you are buying flowers the tags will say if the are a steam or bush. Steams are the tall skinny ones and bushes are the short fuller ones. 

Step 1:

Take your grapevine wreath and look it over. Decide which part you want to cover with your flowers. 

Step 2:

Take your wire cutters and trim the steam of your flowers. Make sure you leave enough steam to stick into the grapevine wreath.

Step 3:

Gently bend the steam at the base of the flower.

Step 4:

Take the steam of your flower and gently wedge it into your grapevine wreath.

Step 5:

Take your hot glue gun and glue the flower down for added support. Repeat steps 2-5 with your other 2 flower steams.  Next take your two small sunflowers and hot glue them beside the bigger flowers.

Step 6:

Take your first fall steam and pull the sections apart. They should pull apart easy, but if they don’t use your wire cutters. I used two sections of this steam and put one on each end of the flowers. Wedge the steam in the wreath like you did with the flowers and add hot glue to help it stay secure. 

Step 7:

Now take your second fall steam and pull the sections apart. I used 4 sections of this steam. I put one on each side of the first steam. I always add some hot glue to make sure it’s good and secure.

Step 8:

Next I took the leaves off the flower steams and glued them around the big sunflowers. Then I took some fall colored leaves and glued then around the flowers. I make sure to fill in any gaps around the flowers. It’s always good to step back and take a look at it before you finish. Take your time and have fun. 

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions feel free to leave me a comment below. 

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